10 best novels bestsellers

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Top 10 best novels bestsellers

1 The Great Gatsby World bestseller
2 Pride and Prejudice Classic novel genre
3 Blame the stars Best for teens
4 Lavender room Love triangle story
5 Goodbye summer! Interesting and adults and children
6 Red Notepad, or the Paris Quest Love story with a hint of a detective
7 Dream street house Variety of character characters
8 Wind Rhapsody Fascinating plexus of time
9 Tell me about the sea Top Quotes
10 Turned on you Unusual plot

Novels are classics of the literary world, formed at the end of the 16th century. In the novels, human experiences, their feelings and reflections are brought to the fore, the plot, as a rule, tells of people with their tragedy and life difficulties. Books in this genre give us the opportunity to spy on someone's life, to experience with their heroes all their happy and sad moments. The novels' finals prompt the reader to analyze his life, helping him find answers to the questions of concern to his soul. In the end, as a pleasant pastime for a couple of evenings, a book in the novel genre will be the best option.

World bestsellers belong to Fitzgerald and Bradbury, who wrote in a light syllable; Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, who harbored a passion for more complex subjects; Safarly, Lisa Jewell, Carol Matthews, John Green, focused on modern audiences. We have created a selection of the best novels, the center of the plot of which were human relationships, whether love or friendship. We bring to your attention books that do not lose their popularity, even after years, and in some cases even centuries.

Top 10 best novels bestsellers

10 Turned on you

Unusual plot
By: Carol Matthews
Book price: 290 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.0

If you are looking for a novel with an unusual love story, then "Turned on you" is the best option for reading. The book covers the topic of social, even racial inequality, the pressure of prejudice and stupid stereotypes. The main character is a lonely 30-year-old Briton Jenny, who is seen by everyone with a gray mouse. In addition, she was thrown by a man, on whom she spent 7 years.

Jeni, it would seem, such a measured and devoid of adventurism girl, will lower all their savings to purchase a tour to Africa and meet the handsome Dominic, the Maasai warrior, who will not be indifferent to any reader. Interesting episodes of adaptation of a stranger in the society of conservative Englishmen will be carried away, when all that he knows is to hunt and protect is a kind of modern Tarzan. You will feel the whole flavor of Africa and will definitely empathize with the main characters.

9 Tell me about the sea

Top Quotes
Author: Elchin Safarli
Book price: 368 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.2

The novel of the modern writer Elchin Safarli “Tell me about the sea” is the author’s memory of the best moments of childhood and youth, these are memories of family, comrades, but the most vivid memory is the sea. In the reviews, many note that the book on writing style is like a personal diary, in which they sincerely pour out their souls, share something intimate, secrets, thoughts. The most part is taken by the essay of childhood, you will surely involuntarily recall in parallel your own bright moments.

Read the novel quickly, not only due to the small volume, but also thanks to a simple syllable. After reading this world bestseller you can find tips on how to overcome melancholy, the fear of failure and even death, how to be kinder to people and the world. It is recommended to read to lovers of literature on the topics of searching for oneself, inner harmony, wisdom. Like all the books of Elchin, the work was dismantled into quotations, and there are really a lot of them here.

8 Wind Rhapsody

Fascinating plexus of time
Posted by: Karen White
Book price: 322 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.3

The Rhapsody of the Windy Island is a book about the fate of ordinary people with their tragedies, which remain strong in spirit, each fighting its own internal demons. The author of this love affair, Karen White, takes the reader to 1942, the Second World War, and introduces Maggie, Lulu, Kat and Peter, who live in difficult military conditions, and the advent of a new day is already a big reason for happiness. .

Then the plot is replaced and the focus of 2009. A certain Emmy, at the insistence of the mother, buys a bookshop on an island located in the Atlantic Ocean. Among the pages of books she finds love letters and strange drawings. This is where all the fun begins, when Amy wants to find the answer: what happened in this shop and whose messages are these? The author so skillfully and delicately interweaves events, giving rise to intrigue on the first pages. The novel shows how the past haunts us and how to be able to let it go.

7 Dream street house

Variety of character characters
Posted by: Lisa Jewell
Book price: 305 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.4

The book, which had become a world bestseller, “The House on the Street of Dreams,” has an interesting story that will touch on love themes, emphasize the importance of friendship and mutual assistance. The focus of Tobby is the unfulfilled poet, in whose possession a large three-story mansion, which has turned into such a hostel. The wife left the man, and he gave up his hand for a long time, and his appearance leaves much to be desired.

The reader will definitely be curious to follow the fate of the people living in the house. They literally sit out the black stripe in their lives. No less interesting character - Leah, - the girl who lives opposite. When circumstances force Tobby to set up a mansion for sale, they will think up a couple with Leah how to arrange the lives of the people who settled in the house. The modern novel “The House on the Street of Dreams” is a lot of different characters, this is intrigue, this is the revelation of human vices.

6 Red Notepad, or the Paris Quest

Love story with a hint of a detective
Posted by: Antoine Lauren
Book price: 664 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The Red Notebook, or the Paris Quest is a special atmosphere that will awaken the reader with the best, warm feelings, the heroes of the novel read books, walk around the squares in the evenings and love their children sincerely. The work is colored with both touching fragments and notes of humor. It is unlikely that you will be able to tear yourself away from the book, because from the very beginning the novel delays: the main character Laurent, who owns the Red Notebook bookshop, finds a woman’s handbag, in which he finds perfumes, several photo cards and a notebook with notes.

But all these items would not have helped Laurent establish who the owner of the bag was. Then the man is puzzled by the search for a careless lady and tries on the role of a detective. Starting his own investigation, the first thing the hero analyzes the notes in a notebook, when he suddenly realizes that he is even more eager to find the owner of her purse, but not only for her return, Laurent acquires great interest in knowing this girl.

5 Goodbye summer!

Interesting and adults and children
By Ray Bradbury
Book price: 156 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

“Summer, Goodbye” is a continuation of another world bestseller Ray Bradbury, “Dandelion Wine”, which took 50 years to wait. 2 years passed in the story, the main character Douglas from a child turns into a forever protesting teenager, but he does not want to grow up in any way and decides to declare war on old age. Older people become for him a symbol of all the worst, to which a person can come to the end. Eliminate the enemy, stop the passage of time, in any case not to grow up - the goal of Douglas, but how will he realize it and what will it lead to?

This touching novel, full of meaning and metaphor, which zasyadut in memory, will become a bridge between childhood and old age. In the course of the reading, you will observe how the generation is changing, their attitude towards the elderly. This is a book about the need to have the strength to meet the inevitable and be able to find harmony with the world and yourself.

4 Lavender room

Love triangle story
Posted by: Nina Gheorghe
Book price: 405 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The novel “Lavender Room” written by Nina Gheorghe was translated into several dozen languages ​​and managed to visit the tops of literary bestsellers. The piece creates a warm and soulful atmosphere, it smells like lavender, fresh croissants, book pages, filled with conversations under the stars, friendship and love, imbued with love for France and its cozy cafes.

The main character by the name of Jean Égare is sincerely convinced that only a truly chosen book can lift melancholy and longing as a hand, relieve from spiritual anguish and doubt. But a paradox: a man cannot find his “magic pill” that would help him survive a series of events and losses. Everything will turn upside down when summer arrives in the city and Egar falls on a trip to Provence to recall the past and start a new future. The book is particularly interested in fans of novels about love triangles. "Lavender Room" may well become the very book-savior.

3 Blame the stars

Best for teens
Posted by: John Green
Book price: 332 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The world modern best-selling novel “Guilty the Stars” will tell about teenagers who love and hate, protest and pity, laugh and cry. Hazel, at the age of 16, has cancer of the thyroid gland, and metastases have been found in her lungs, which of course is difficult for her to go through. Worried about the condition of her daughter, the heroine's parents send her to a support group, where the girl will meet with Augustus, a young man who will further change Hazel’s view of life and with whom she will begin a love relationship.

Augustus lost part of his leg due to oncology and walks with a prosthesis. However, the heroine does not want to hurt the guy, because it may not become any day. Virtually all further Hazel actions will be based on this fear. The book will be interesting to all age categories, but it will be especially useful for teenagers, because the work will teach you to love life and enjoy simple moments.

2 Pride and Prejudice

Classic novel genre
By: Jane Austen
Book price: 147 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The work “Pride and Prejudice” was seen by the world as far back as 1813, and for more than 200 years it has been considered a world classic of the novel genre. This fascinating book will interest those who believe that love conquers all obstacles. The novel tells that sometimes untruthful judgments about people hinder the construction of happiness and reveal the all-time theme of manners, and all this is not deprived of humor and irony, giving liveliness to the noble and beautiful language of the author.

The focus is on the Bennet family, who lives in the province and consists of a father, mother, the main character of Elizabeth and her 4 sisters. An enviable bridegroom, Mr. Bingley, comes to their region, he is rich in finances and mind, and he is handsome and single, and his comrade Mr. Darcy, who is also handsome and secured, has come with him. As the very name of the book suggests, a novel about a complex love story, in which the stumbling block has always been the pressure of public opinion and an inner sense of pride.

1 The Great Gatsby

World bestseller
Posted by: Francis Fitzgerald
Book price: 132 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The legendary novel by the American writer Francis Fitzgerald, illuminating the "Age of Jazz", namely the 20th year, when everything boiled and boiled. The book exposes the elite of that time, showing the true essence of stately, but hypocritical persons. The novel fascinates with its extraordinary plot and love theme, passing a golden thread through the piece. For over 90 years, the book has not lost its popularity.

The novel tells about a young man named Gatsby, who passionately loves a girl from high society, Daisy - to which, it seems to him, not to reach.To win her attention, he will become a great man, make a fortune, conquer honor, glory - all this chase for Daisy. Special enthusiasm for the acquisition of the book awakened the eponymous film “The Great Gatsby”, after watching which everyone went to bookstores to purchase a printed version of an amazing story, which made the novel a world bestseller.

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